Genius Gourmet Keto Products Review

Keto is one of the most popular dietary methods around today. If you're not on it already yourself, you've no doubt heard of it!

One of the main issues with Keto dieting is that it can be tough to find good Keto-friendly snacks that fit in with the dietary guidelines AND taste good.

That's where Genius Gourmet comes in.

This company has set out to make snacks and supplements specifically FOR Keto evidenced by the names of all of their products: Keto Shake, Keto Snack Chips, and Keto Bars.

They also have pancake mix, collagen, electrolytes, cake mix and gum (yep, keto gum).

Genius Gourmet Keto Products Review

I've tested three of their products and right now, I'm going to give you a quick rundown of my impressions.

First off, nutritionally, these products absolutely fit perfectly within the Keto guidelines (low carb, low-to-moderate protein and higher fat) so there are no worries about whether or not your snacks fit your diet.


Let's Start With Their Keto Bar...

I decided to try out their salted caramel bar because it just sounded delicious.

And honestly, it IS delicious. I've actually been having a bar for dessert the past few days, they're that good.

They don't have an excessive amount of sugar alcohols (just 2 grams), which some products rely on as sweeteners and which can loosen up the bowels if you eat too much.

You can see the full nutritional info here:

Genius Gourmet Keto Bar

They have variety of flavors, including Birthday Cake and Peanut Butter Chocolate. I, for one, wouldn't be opposed to trying those out, too.

In terms of their value as a convenient, keto-based snack, I would definitely recommend them. The flavor I tried was awesome.


How About the Keto Chips?

I'll be honest...they're not my favorite. They're pretty good and if you're a person who loves / needs something crunchy and salty in order to maintain your sanity, they will absolutely do the trick.

For me, I'm not a big chip person in the first place but I wanted to give these a try. I tried the Chili Lime flavor. If you're coming in expecting these to taste like regular chips, just keep in mind that's not what you're going to get.

They are, however, definitely going to satisfy the crunchy/salty cravings you might be having on a Keto diet. And THAT can help you stick to the diet.

Here's what's in them...

Genius Gourmet Keto Chips

One thing I really like about these is that there are no weird ingredients. They're made with real food ingredients that you'll recognize.

They do have several other flavors (spicy nacho, ranch and BBQ) could be that I might like another flavor better.


Then There's the Keto Shake...

These shakes are really tasty...(to me, a protein shake that includes cream is going to be good!).

They're great to bring along with you for a convenient liquid snack, though they are better cold.

But overall, really tasty...actually better than most regular protein shakes I've tried.

Genius Gourmet Keto Shake

Again, they're not high protein, but that's how it rolls with Keto dieting.


My Overall Impressions of Genius Gourmet Keto Snacks...

Having tested three of their products, I'm confident that their entire product line is top quality. I'm a BIG fan of two of the three products I've tried but even the chips were good enough that I can definitely recommend those, too, if you're a chip person who needs that crunchy/salty thing.

If you're on a Keto diet and always find yourself looking for a snack that fits the guidelines, these are absolutely products you'll want to have in your cupboard (or in your car when you're on the go).

Use coupon code: BETTERU15 to get a 15% Off Sitewide Discount!

Click here to see their full product line and get your Genius Gourmet chips, bars and shakes now!


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