SpineAlign Adjustable Neck-Supporting Pillow Review

One of THE most important things you can do to improve your health is improve your sleep.

Not getting enough quality sleep can have a wide range of negative effects on both your physical and mental health, including...

  • Impaired Cognitive Function
  • Mood Disturbances
  • Weakened Immune System
  • Weight Gain
  • Impaired Physical Performance
  • Hormonal Imbalance
  • Decreased Libido
  • Impaired Cardiovascular Health


What if your pillow sucks?

What if the pillow you were using every single night...for 7-9 hours a night was actually contributing to or even causing poor sleep quality?

And what if it was putting your neck and shoulders in a misaligned position, leading to issues in your body even beyond sleep quality?

You spend almost a third of your life sleeping... and spending a third of your life on a pillow that's actively causing problems in your body is NOT what you want.

Most pillows aren't designed with neck and spine alignment in mind...they're just soft material shoved into a casing. There's no thought to how this affects your neck alignment during sleep.


Using a GOOD pillow can give you a tremendous improvement in sleep quality.

And by good, I don't mean softer...I mean a pillow specifically designed to support your head and neck.

SpineAlign Adjustable Neck-Supporting Pillow Review

That's where the pillow from SpineAlign comes in...the name of the company tells you what they're all about!

Their products are designed by chiropractors (who founded the company) to support your head and neck properly so you sleep better and wake up without pain or strains.

Here's my full video review of it...


The SpineAlign pillow is designed with 3 adjustable compartments, for side sleepers and back sleepers (they don't ever recommend sleeping on your stomach).

SpineAlign Pillow Review

In order to get the proper alignment in your neck, you can unzip the fill compartments and MOVE the fill around to get the exact support you need.

The fill is shredded foam and is very easy to shift around inside the compartments. If you find there's too much of it to shift around, you can take it out completely. It doesn't shift around while you're sleeping, which means you keep that "setting" that you've created no matter how much you move around at night.

SpineAlign Pillow fill compartments

This view gives you an idea of how the pillow works...essentially, you conform the pillow to the shape of your head and neck so that your spine is aligned straight as you sleep.

SpineAlign Pillow curves

It's such a simple thing and, in my experience, it WORKS.

Not only did I never wake up with neck or shoulder pain, I actually found it reduced my snoring (according to my wife, at least...I sleep right through it!).

I actually ended up using it a bit differently than they recommend. For side sleepers, they recommend using the side edges of the pillow. I actually found that it felt better for me to use the middle section that was normally recommended for back sleepers.

The pillow I was using before this one was basically a thin, down pillow. It worked ok but had basically NO support for my neck. So I was used to a thinner pillow with how I sleep and the middle section was thin enough that it gives me the support for a straight spinal angle without being too thick.

I give this SpineAlign pillow a big thumbs up. I see no reason to go back to my "normal" pillow again and I'll likely be bringing this pillow with me when I travel (when it's possible to!).

Go get your SpineAlign Adjustable Neck-Supporting Pillow now.



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