6 Tips for Losing Weight after Pregnancy

By Mike Jones

Once your baby arrives, you can tell almost immediately that your life will never be the same.

However, you still need to take great care of yourself and look great. For most women, losing the pre-pregnancy weight is tough. People don’t usually bounce back like Kim Kardashian after giving birth. It usually takes time and a lot of determination to get there. Even years after giving birth, women still find themselves carrying all the extra baby weight.


How to Lose Weight after Pregnancy

For a regular woman that just went through childbirth, fancy diets and expensive personal trainers are not an option. Now you’ve got a newborn to take care of and probably a million other related things to do, so going to the gym on the daily, or even once a week, isn’t possible anymore.

Thus, if you want to shed your baby weight right off, you will have to do it yourself. Luckily, the process isn’t as hard as it seems at first glance. Here are a few tips that will make it easier and faster for you to lose the extra pounds that have been bothering you ever since you gave birth.


Treat Yourself

While the pressure to get back to that perfect body may be mounting, remember that you cannot do everything. You need to relax and accept that your body is different. Unlike what many celebrities have you thinking, it is not possible to bounce back to your body, and no one expects you to. You just had your baby; your body has gone through massive changes. Take time to appreciate and love it just as it is.

With time, it will get to where you want, but for now, pamper it once in a while with chocolate and a glass of wine. You don’t have to goal out and eat excess calories, but treating yourself will boost your morale. And being in good shape mentally is the first step towards achieving the same for your body.


Start Being Active Right Away

As your body gets used to your environment, it will also begin getting used to the additional weight. Therefore, a great way to stay flexible and keep in shape is to organize short outbursts of activities. Note that these are not exercises because they are low-intensity movements. During the first few months, you are still trying to cope with fatigue and sleeplessness.

So, do not over-exhaust yourself with excessive exercises. For these activities, you can carry your baby in a sling or stroller and walk around the block. A simple 10-minute walk each day is enough to get you the cardio you need without overexerting yourself. You also have the option to build upon the length of the walk each day.

Being active in this way is a very important activity because it allows you to bond with your baby as well. Although your child won’t directly remember it, a nurturing mother-child relationship is best built in the first years of the little one’s life. On top of that, you will notice all the good that the workouts are doing for you. If you want to get rid of stretch marks after childbirth, workouts will help you with this. We’d advise you to also find out more about alternative solutions.



People love being active and energetic while at work to maximize their potential. If you don’t get enough sleep, your nervous function will not be efficient. Without enough sleep, you will feel exhausted, which will hinder your performance. Everything depends on how well you sleep. Your metabolism and hormone production are at their peak levels when you get quality sleep.

While you may not get the rest you need with the new baby, ensure that you sleep whenever the young one does. This will ensure that you also have the chance to get a breather, meaning that you will be perfectly focused when the baby is awake. It’s understandable if you want to be a supermom and be alert at all times, but remember that you need to take care of yourself properly in order to do the same for your little one.

Getting enough sleep also keeps you from overeating. Cortisol is a stress hormone that is released when your body is under too much tension. Sleep reduces the hormone and allows you to feel happier and more contented. It is a great way to fight postpartum depression. Furthermore, it is a great way to take care of your skin and keep it glowing. All in all, a good nap can work wonders for you after childbirth, so don’t ignore it.


Breastfeeding Helps

This is one of the most important processes after childbirth. Not only is it great for bonding, but most women also confess that it was the easiest way for them to lose all the pregnancy weight they had gained. As you provide nutrients to your baby, you also prompt your body to start using its fat deposits to nourish the baby.

Most people do not consider the fact that exclusive breastfeeding is a great way for them to lose weight. So, note that nursing is not just great for your child as it is an ideal weight loss method for you too. According to experts in nutrition during lactation, women who breastfeed and who eat for one and drink for two will lose as much as 1.6 pounds each month.

You may also notice that you will be feeling hungrier, so ensure to choose the right food, take in a lot of water, and eat lots of vegetables. By doing this, you will lose the weight you need to shed. Furthermore, consume meals until you are content and not full. It might seem tempting to give into your cravings, but it’s counterproductive for both you and your infant.


Do Not Diet

Your new role as a mom is a tough one. A mistake that women make is to assume that they have to start on a restrictive eating routine immediately because that’s what Beyoncé would do. However, you are not Beyoncé and you don’t have to be or compare your lifestyle to hers. With the pressure of being a mom and trying to get everything in order, a diet may be counterproductive. Instead of losing weight, you might find that you are gaining it instead.

If you do shed pounds when you get back to your normal eating schedule, you will be hungrier, and you will regain the weight you lost and more. In case you choose to eat healthily, you have a higher chance of shedding the weight completely. You will also notice that you are hungrier and can eat a lot more food than you could before. As such, only eat what you need and not too much.

You may also want to select foods and vegetables that leave you feeling fuller for longer. Drinking a lot of water and caffeine will help reduce your cravings and keep you fuller for longer. If you are nursing, ensure you take in at least 1,800 calories a day to keep your baby healthy.


Eat Plenty of Superfoods

Choose foods that are nutritious, especially if you are nursing. Superfoods contain most of the nutrients and calories that your baby needs. Such foods include fish that are rich in DHA, which is an essential omega-3 fatty acid. They help your newborn to develop a great brain and nervous system.

You may also consider yogurt, milk, and cheese as they are high in calcium, which is great for your young one’s bones. You also need to find sources of protein and fiber that will keep you and your baby healthy and safe. Superfoods will keep you strong and help you focus on what’s most important in your life right now, namely your toddler.

But besides the amazing benefits that these eatables have on your baby’s well-being, there are also some advantages for you. By adopting a nutritious meal plan of all organic foods and avoiding processed junk, you will get in back shape faster. Integrating these nutritious elements in your meals is not a diet per se, but rather a dietary addition that helps you achieve your post-pregnancy desired weight faster and without compromising your health.



Losing weight is not easy and it will not just happen in a day. However, by keeping yourself motivated by your baby and your weight goals, you can easily get where you want to go. Consider these six tips as a starting point to set the foundation for your weight loss. They are all effective ways to start getting git, but if you want to take everything a step further, you will need some professional help.

Consult a doctor to ensure that you get the right nutrients and choose the correct time to begin working out. Remember not to push your body past its limits way too soon. You are still recovering your childbirth, which is a delicate and timely process. Allow yourself plenty of time to rest and build yourself back up again. You’ve earned it.



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